Stories of The People

The following links will take you to a few of the interviews the students of Rocky Gap High School have done over the years. Some are just excerpts, many are complete, and a few are in narative form. These are linked from various subject pages also.

(c) complete (x) excerpt (lx) long excerpt (n) narratives

Transcripts of Oral Interviews

Jack Agee talks about growing up in Hollybrook. (n)

Thelma Akers talks about her life and Rocky Gap (n)

Andrew's barbershop is talked about by Violee Ferguson, Charles &Junior Akers,and Raymond Stowers. (c) 

Tim and Linda Bailey talk. (c)

Virgie Bailey remembers riding the train from down Wolf Creek.(x)

Virgie Bailey remembers life on the farm as a young girl. (c)

Pansy Ball talks about working as a riveter in an aircraft factory in WWII. (lx)\

Jim Beavers talks about his experience during the Korean War.

Flora Lee Beckner of Grapefield talks about a number of topics. (c)

Mary Belcher remembers the early days of the railroad. (x)

Ben Bird  remembers growing up in Bland. (c)

Wade Blankenship talks about the homefront during WWII.

Bill Bird remembers his life and past experiences (n)

Henry Blessing recalls his glory days on the Champs of '65 (c)

Macie Blessing and Linnie Looney talk about growing up up Wolf Creek. (c)

Larry Bradley talks about building the tunnel. (x)

Barbara Bradshaw talks about living in the Wilderness Creek area. (lx)

Bunce Brewer talks about life in Rocky Gap. (c)

Guy Bruce talks about the history of the Bastian Union Church. (c)

Guy Bruce talks about the history of the community of Bastian. (c)

Clara Burton lived in Bastian among other places. (c)

Gary Carroll talks about Vietnam. (n)

Nate Charlton talks about Dry Fork and moonshine. (c)

Nate Charlton talks about Dry Fork and various other topics. (c)

Charles and Judy Clark talk about religious ways. (c)

Ralph Clark and Ed Sarver talk about how times have changed. (c)

Steve Clark talks about the tunnel. (x)

Martha Cobb talks about the one room school in Dry Fork.

Blanche Compton talks about farming. (c)

Henry Conley talks about his time in Korea. (n)

Jim Conley talks about the Korean War. (n)

Edna Conley talks about growing up in Hollybrook. (c)

Thurman Conley talks about the tunnel. (x)

Gene Davis and Kate Shrader remember the railroad. (x)

Jimmy Davidson remembers his uncle, Dr. Davidson. (c)

Benny DeAtley was on the Champs of 65 (c)

Bobby Jo Dehart & Peggy Sutphin talk about the homefront during WWII.

Danel Earnest remembers the CCC Camp. (x)

Zareda Earnest remembers the CCC boys arriving in Bastian. (x)

Zareda Earnest talks about the Bastian Hotel and more. (c)

Robert (Ray) Faulkner talks about WWII. (n)

Pete Ferguson talks about growing up on Dry Fork, leaving , and coming home. (c)

Jessie Hart Finley talks about her life and Silver Creek School.(c)

Charles Fore talks about the East River Mountain Tunnel. (x)

Aubrey Gore  was raised on Dry Fork. (c)

Jenie Gore this is a narration of Jeanie Gore telling us about Dry Fork.

Waucella Coburn Gregory was raised near Roundbottom down Wolf Creek. (c)

Betty Hall remembers growing up on a farm in Clearfork. (n)

George Harless remembers W.W.II in the Pacific. (lx)

George Harless talks about carrying the mail in the Rocky Gap-Bastian areas of the county. (x)

Michael Harless talks about his experience in Vietnam.

"Red" Harless talks about his experience in the Korean War.

Shirley Harless remembers the train arriving in Rocky Gap. (x)

Shirley Steele Harless remembers Nebo Church. (c)

Georgia Havens remembers her life and growing up in a lumber camp. (n)

Rufus and Lida Havens talk about their life. (c)

Fae Hodges and Mae Lambert talk about the Laurel School.

Charles Honaker talks about his experience in the Korean War.

Tim Hudson talks about his experience in WWII.

Katrina Jackson talks about her life in Italy and Bastian. (c)

Buddy Johnson talks about his experience in the Persian Gulf War.

Naeko Isagawa Keen was a war bride from Okinawa. (c)

Bob Kegley remembers the Champs of 65 (c)

Beulah Morehead talks about her experience in WWII.

Archie and Nell Kidd talk about their lives on the farm (n)

Luke Lambert talks about living on Laurel Fork. (complete) (narrative)

Rick Lane recalls the Glory Days of the Champs of 65 (c)

Sam Larry talks about the Persian Gulf Conflict. (c)

Richard Lawson was a member of the State Champs of 1965. (c)

Mary Little remembers Dry Fork. (c)

Benny Lockhart talks about Dry Fork. (n)

Wallace Randolph Looney was raised up Wolf Creek above Bastian. (c)

Jim Lundy talks about Round Mountain. (c)

Rawley Martin remembers WWII in Europe. (x)

Huckleberry Meyers talks about his long life on Wilderness Creek. (c)

Darnell Miller talks about growing up and his singing career.

Charles Moore remembers past experiences. (n)

Margie Neal remembers life as it used to be. (n)

Richard Neal talks about growing up in Rocky Gap. (n)

Richard Neal was a fan of the Eagles in 1965. (c)

Aunt Laurie Newman talks about her life in Rocky Gap. (lx)

Henry Nunn was raised on Pinch Creek. (n)

Fred Pennington remembers Virginia Hardwood Lumber Company. (x)

Henry Ratliff talks about the CCC Camp. (c)

John Reed talks about his experience in Vietnam.

Percy Robinson talks about visiting his grandparents on Dry Fork. (c)

Edna Sarver tells the story of her life. (n)

Fred and Estellia Saunders talk about Dry Fork. (c)

The Fred Saunders family interview. (c)

George and James Sink talk about Mechanicsburg, farming, and more. (c)

Charlotte Shrader talks about her life in Rocky Gap. (lx)

Ora Grey Stowers talks about Liberty School. (c)

Nancy Tate remembers life in Bland over the years. (c)

John Thompson tells us about many differet topics.

Mallie Tibbs talks about growing up in Bastian (n)

Nannie Rose Tiller was postmaster in Rocky Gap for a long time. (c)

The Tillers talk about Rocky Gap through the years. (lx)

Lorraine Tolbert remembers life near Bland. (c)

Hazel Tynes talks about Dry Fork. (c)

Marvin Tynes talks about Dry Fork. (c)

Lee Tynes talks about Dry Fork. (c)

Brooksie Umbarger talks about living on a farm. (c)

Eddie Viers talks about his tour in the Vietnam War. (lx)

Blackie Walker talks about living near the mills. (c)

Jasper Walker talks about his life in Bastain.

Minnie Williams talks about growing up in Hollybrook. (lx)

Carl Wolfe remembers his younger days. (n)

The Wright sisters talk about Pinch Creek. (c)

Tim Wyatt talks about his tour in Vietnam. (c)

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